Cothtl credit card charge: What it’s about

Several reports of a suspicious and unauthorized Cothtl credit card charge have occurred. Watch out for the charge.
What’s Cothtl credit card charge?
We did thorough research and we found out it’s the capital one travel hotel charge. You are seeing the Cothtl credit card charge because you made a hotel booking through the capital one app.
COTHTL means Capital One Travel Hotel.
What to do if you didn’t authorize the Cothtl credit card charge
If you did not authorize the charge or you never booked a flight through capital one travel app, you could be the victim of credit card fraud.
You must immediately notify your card issuer by calling the number on the back of your card or logging into your online credit card account.
Your credit card company will most likely cancel your card and send you a new one. You will not be held liable for the unauthorized charges.
Be aware that fraudsters frequently conduct a small dollar transaction to see if a card is active.
They begin selling the numbers on the black market after receiving approval.
Minor unauthorized purchases are frequently an indication that the card has been compromised.
How to look up credit card merchant names
Do your credit card transactions show a business name that you don’t recognize?
Bear in mind that some company names can appear abbreviated or otherwise shortened on your statement.
Some companies might also appear under the name of their parent company or the name of the payment processing service provider they use. You can look up the name online to find out what company it’s related to.
How to approach disputes
If you’ve researched the transaction and still don’t recognize the charge, it could be the result of an error or fraud. In either case, you should promptly contact your credit card issuer.
Unless the dispute concerns fraud, most issuers require you to file it within 60 days of the transaction appearing on your statement.
When it comes to disputes, contacting the business directly is often the fastest way to resolve things.