Who is Subhakar Khadka & keepinupwforeign: Lyft & Uber ban passenger after assault video

On Sunday, San Francisco Uber driver Subhakar Khadka was attacked by a passenger after she refused to wear a face mask.

In the video, a woman in the back of the car is seen coughing into Khadka’s face and screaming at him — she also snatched Khadka’s cell phone out of his hand and plucks his mask from his face.
Subhakar was also yell at by the other passengers as they threatened to beat him up. Khadka claims he got out of the car before being pepper sprayed by one of the passengers.
The Uber passenger in a video shared on IG said she plans to sue Uber. “all i did is take his mask off” The lady known as “keepinupwforeign” on Instagram said.
She added: “And he lucky as hell I ain’t had nothing on me on momma’s, cause if he woulda played with me, would have been a whole different story.”
Uber reportedly offered Subhakar Khadka $20 in compensation for having pepper spray covering his interior fabric — But later increased it to $120.
Lyft and Uber ban Uber passenger (keepinupwithforeign)
Lyft and Uber have ban the female passenger (keepinupwforeign) after the assault.

Lyft wrote: “Although this incident did not involve the Lyft platform, the unacceptable treatment of the driver in this video compelled us to permanently remove the rider from the Lyft community. Driving in a pandemic is not easy. Please wear a mask, respect one another, and be a good person.”

Uber wrote: “This behavior is completely unacceptable and goes against our Community Guidelines. Our team has investigated this situation, and removed the Rider’s access to the Uber platform.”
Subhakar Khadka (Assaulted Uber Driver) Gofundme
A Gofundme was created for the assaulted Uber driver to help him with his living expenses while he is unable to work due to this trauma.
The fundraiser was organized by Cyan Banister on Tuesday. “