Jordan Tiktok Meaning: ‘The biggest inside joke’

What does Jordan mean on Tiktok?

It all started when a TikToker called Jordan Da Boo said that he would start the “biggest inside joke on social media”.
In a video shared he said: “Today is the big day ya’ll have been waiting for, today is the day we make the biggest inside joke on social media and the inside joke i instead of using the n-word use the word Jordan.”
Twitter Reacts to “JORDAN” TikTok joke
Some Twitter users said the joke is not funny and its doesn’t make sense.
“What is tiktok on today someone thought substituting the nword with “jordan” was a good idea” A lady said.
Another added: “I go on TikTok to see the name Jordan being used as a replacement for the N word”
Another person said: “Replacing the n word with Jordan is the most stupidest unfunniest thing I have seen”
A lady said “the whole “my jordan” thing on tiktok is so weird… the obsession is insane”
In a new video, @JordanDaBoo said his inside joke was taken out of context and the whole point of the joke was to replace the N-word with his name ‘Jordan’.