MI GOP Candidate Condemns Abortion for Rape Victims, Says ‘baby could be next president’

Garrett Soldano, a Republican candidate for governor of Michigan this year, has stated that he opposes abortions for sexual assault survivors who become pregnant as a result of rape.
Soldano made his comments during a Monday interview with April Moss on the right-leaning media outlet Real America’s Voice.
“It kind of like tore out his heart when he found that out, but then he started to really appreciate and understand what his birth mother went through,” Soldano said. “She had the courage to deliver him. And … since he was delivered, he has helped thousands of people be better versions of themselves.”
“They don’t know, that little baby inside them may be the next president, may be the next person that changes humanity, may get us out of this situation may be in the future. We don’t know that,” Soldano added.